Thursday, December 11, 2014

Alternative Christmas Cards

It's that time of the year again. You're thinking about what picture of your family you are going to put on one of those glossy postcard-esque print outs from Sam's Club and you are devising the letter you plan to write to all your friends and family bragging about your recent trip to Hawaii, the fact that your eldest daughter just got accepted into a top Ivy League school, and your youngest son's baseball team is the state champion. You'll gloss over all the things in life that are just mediocre or completely miserable like how you got a wicked sunburn while in Hawaii or how your middle son decided he wanted to go to clown college. Meanwhile, all your friends and family will also be writing, editing, rewriting, and re-editing their list of accomplishments from 2014. So why not break away from the pack and do something unique and different for your Holiday cards this year.

Here is a list of alternative Christmas Card letters you could send to your family and friends
  • A series of limericks that merge holiday themes with your lousiest moments from 2014
  • A hand drawn crayon portrait of your family with a description of the symbology of the picture
  • A crossword puzzling challenging your friends and family to care enough to decipher clues
  • A Dadaist piece involving random words and pictures from 2014
  • A letter from your future selves divulging the secrets of how everyone meets their ends
  • A 100 page novel about a fictional family with a perfect life
  • A series of cave paintings narrating an epic adventure you wish you took with your family 
  • Your Christmas card for 2015 explaining that it's never to early to get a jump on sending out your Christmas letters
No matter what you decide to write just make sure that the pictures are perfect and only capture the half of the family that you care the most about!
My mom accidentally, through a series of unfortunate events, printed 200 of these Christmas cards with duplicate pictures of me, my dad, and sister. Finally 200 cards later was able to get the second picture to correctly be of her and my brothers! I like to think that my parents just wanted to remind the world how much they love me and my sister.