Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Just a Basic Girl Who Loves Fall

Recently I have seen a lot of blog posts and articles out there circling the web commenting on and poking fun at white girls who love fall. Let me tell you something, I don't know why other white girls like fall so much and I am not even sure why I like fall so much, but what I do know is that since I pulled my peacoats and scarves out of storage a week ago I can't stop smiling.

According to Buzz feed there are Things All Basic White Girls Do During the Fall so I picked out my favorites to see how I measure up to all other basic white girls based on my love of fall.

  1. "Get on the Pumpkin Spice Latte grind"- Well I don't like coffee.... but if I did I would probably be spending my paycheck on some PSL goodness
  2. "Filter the shit out of the trees as they change colors"- You know I don't actually have a single picture of the trees changing colors, however, I think I will have to take a couple this year because they are just so charming. 
  3. "Buy some 'fall' candles and burn them until the entire house smells like an autumn walk"- Ok, yes... I actually stock up on 'fall' scented candles so that my house can smell like an autumn walk all year long. 
  4. "Take a picture with a pumpkin they spent all day searching for"- No, but only from lack of opportunity. Growing up we always had the choice of the cream of the crop pumpkins from my father's garden... as an adult however I don't even know where the closest pumpkin patch is aside from the box of pumpkins in Trader Joe's. 
    Throwback about 7 years to the Heyday of Dad's pumpkin patch
  5. "Buy anything that says Pumpkin Spice on it"- Not anything... but I may or may not have purchased a pack of pumpkin spice Pillsbury cookie dough last week.
  6. "Coordinate Halloween costumes with other basic white girls" - I have done this since high school....
    Secret Agents! 
  7. "Express their excitement for the season with photoshop" - I don't even know how to use photo shop
  8. "Make cookies with their kitchen aid"- That would require me to have a kitchen aid, or at the very least not eat all the raw cookie dough of the Pumpkin Spice cookies I just bought
  9. "Crunch dead leaves in Ugg boots" - Crunch leaves? Yes. Ugg Boots? Nope.
  10. "Take engagement photos"- I am not engaged, if I am being honest, though, I could see getting married in the fall... 
  11. "Abuse the hashtage #thankful"- I have never used it before, but by golly I am #thankful for fall
  12. "Make sure that everyone who comes over to their house knows that it is indeed fall"- See #3 about fall candles
  13. "Throw a pile of leaves in the air for instagram"- Isn't that the best part of fall! I used to spend hours raking the leaves and jumping in them with the neighbors as a kid! And now to find a tree. 
  14. "Complain about how cold it is while wearing a Northface"- Look here Buzzfeed... you don't know me! 
  15. "Stay out all night Black Friday shopping" - Something I have actually never done is Black Friday shop... Do I start this year? who knows... 
  16. "Turn a Friday night into a Jack-o-Lantern carving party"- Ok, who hasn't done this? 
    We used to throw the greatest Jack-o-Lantern carving parties
  17. "Throw a festive Friendsgiving"- Only the best Friendsgiving for the best friends! Remember this? 
  18. "Wear an infinity scarf, take a selfie in it, then never take it off for the rest of the day"- Minus the selfie I am fairly certain this is me on everyday in fall. 
Ok Buzzfeed... I am a white girl and I do in fact love fall an awful lot. So what? I am not ashamed of it, I am not afraid to admit it! And if anyone has a problem with that they are not invited to my Pumpkin Spice, fall candle, Jack-o-Lantern, friendsgiving, Fall Party! 

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