Monday, September 8, 2014

The Things We Do For Kids

Many of you who clicked on this link might be expecting a beautifully written piece about how much we sacrifice for our children because we love them so much. However, I am not a mother and I am grossly under qualified to write any article that is touching especially about children seeing as I do not have any. The closest I can come to talking about that is to postulate at the endless amount of things that my parents did for me.

But Alas, this is purely a post detailing the most ridiculous things I have found myself doing as a full time nanny.
I am currently taking care of a 5 month old little girl who needs constant attention, not because she is upset, but in fact because she is happy. So if I take my focus off her for more that about 60 seconds she begins shrieking, a sound that would put the the Howler Monkeys at the zoo to shame. Because of her need to always have my completely undivided attention I have devised increasingly creative ways to keep attention while getting other things done (like eating, cleaning, or gosh forbid preparing her food).

So here is a list of some of the most ridiculous things I have found myself doing in any of the several nanny positions that I have held in the past 5 years:

  • Improvising an entire lyrical dance to Hallelujah, specifically the Shrek version
  • Wearing plastic spoons over my eyes and grass in my hair because I "look so amazing" and should "get married like this"
  • Pretend to know way more about Star Wars than I actually do so as not to be outsmarted by a 5 year old. 
  • Doing the Tango to Ke$ha music
  • Really doing anything and everything to Ke$ha music
  • Carrying on full conversations with myself as two different characters 
  • Talking to an infant as if they are a fully educated adult with fully formed ideas and opinions
  • Singing Disney songs in Character voices
  • Using various parts of my body as percussion instruments
  • Making up the most absurd nicknames just to keep kids on their toes. Like Sassy Pants, Sweet Potato Head, Mocha Choca Latte, Goober, Pookie, Etc...
  • Making my face do things no other human being should ever see
  • Making my voice do things that no other human being should ever hear 
  • Reading out loud high brow news articles and books, because Goodnight Moon is so overrated
Case and Point: Somebody woke up early from their nap before I was done writing
Truly I enjoy my job so much and who else gets to try out characters, sing at the top of their lungs, and dancing like an idiot in a totally judgement free environment? The answer is not a lot of people, and for that I am eternally grateful that I get paid to be this ridiculous. 

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