Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Writing Process

What is my writing process? Well, that is a question that I am actually trying to figure out everyday. BeckyBoop tagged me in her Writing Process post and I thought I would answer those questions and see if we can all discover the hidden secrets to my writing process, together! 

What am I working on? 
You have probably  heard me talk about this all the time, I am working on two sketch shows currently. One is through the Second City Training Center and the Conservatory program. We will be putting our show up in February and March. In addition, My old improv group On Hiatus has transformed into a sketch group and we are hoping to get into sketchfest (We find out next week... keep your fingers crossed!) in January and then open a show this spring. So I am currently working really hard on sketch writing, song writing (yes, you read that correctly Mom, I am working on writing a song), and putting a whole show together. 

How does my work differ from other of its genre? 
In regards to my blog I am working on finding my unique voice and I want it to be comedic yet honest and true to who I am. I want it to be a lifestyle blog that shows who I am, what I am doing, and also a little bit of my sense of humor. 
In regards to my comedy and sketch writing, it is so hard to stand out in this city. There are so many incredibly talented writers, improvisers, and performers that are doing some incredible things! I just want to make a statement with all my work, challenge people's ideas of the world, break stereotypes, and maybe even make a little bit of a difference.... who knows! 

Why do I write? 
 I used to hate writing... This is a true fact. I started writing the blog so that I could keep track of my adventures in Chicago. I kept the blog because it became a good release and creative outlet. I now have aspirations to be a writer because I have realized that I really enjoy it and I have so much to say! 

How does my writing process work? 
Hahaha... This question assumes I actually have a process. 
I have started just opening up blogger on my phone or computer the second the thought "I should blog about that...." crosses my mind. I think I do my best writing when I recognize that I have had that thought and then immediately let my thoughts tumble out! 
For sketches if I think of an idea I like to jot it down in one of my 3-4 notebooks that I always carry around with me. And then go back and look at it and try to iron out the details. If I need inspiration coming with ideas for sketches I sit down and read Google news and click through looking for interesting headlines. 

Wow! That was a lot of information. To be honest I don't think my writing process can actually be written about in a manageable size blog. It seems that it is never the same process twice, because it is never the same inspiration twice. But I am constantly growing and learning to take advantage of inspiration as soon as it comes! 

I am tagging some bloggers that I really admire and would love to hear a little bit about their writing process! 


  1. I started as a food blog but quickly deleted it because I wanted it to be more like an everyday life kind of deal. We have the same views of what we want our little corners to be like here in Blogland. I love reading posts like this. Good luck with your sketches!

  2. Thanks for tagging me, Emily! It was hard for me to think of an actual writing process! I am so glad you write and blog! Your sketch writing sounds SO fun! I would never be able to do anything like that

    1. I always thought I would be terrible at writing sketches and it turns out to not be so difficult!! Thanks for reading and playing along!

  3. Thanks for posting - was good to read this and find that I'm not the only one who doesn't have a 'process' per se...
    Your sketches sounds really intriguing, I'll be looking out for more about those in your future posts!

    1. Thanks for tagging me! I had fun trying to answer these questions!
