What makes me happy? A few months ago I did the
100 Happy Days Challenge on instagram and I realized a few things about what makes me happy.
First and foremost, my beautiful, talented, compassionate, and funny girlfriend! She has been the happiest part of my days since before we started dating almost two years ago!!!
Aren't we just the cutest! |
Ugh! I love her so much! |
The second thing that makes me very happy is all my wonderful friends and family!
Me, my mom, and my baby sister hanging out on Ohio St Beach! |
These crazy cats from college! |
And of course, the On Hiatus crew! |
Not to mention many others not pictured above!
And lastly but definitely not least, FOOD!!
I couldn't be happier with my life right now and I owe most of it to the wonderful people who make my days so very bright and fill them with laughs and good food!
looks like happy to me! food, family, friends, and love.