Sunday, October 5, 2014

10 Things I'd Tell Myself When I Started Blogging

I started blogging just over a year ago and it's been a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I feel like I still don't have a good grip on what my blog is about or a good routine to write consistently. Despite all that I have grown a lot as a writer and a blogger in the past year.

So here are the 10 things I wish I could tell myself before I started blogging:

1.  Proofread! Proofread! Proofread! My first few posts were rife with grammar and spelling errors.

2. Always be drinking a glass of wine while blogging. It makes me feel fancier and more like an adult.

3. Don't "forget" to blog. There is no way for me to practice writing if I don't ever write.

4. Make time for writing. Along the same vein, I am finally figuring out that I have to schedule writing time the same way I schedule my work outs.

5. Write all your blogs at 3am. Because I am funnier and have no filter.

6. Be Patient. Don't feel intimidated by all the blogging culture. I am still taking the time to figure out my voice, and it's so hard not to compare myself to established bloggers who have been blogging for years.

7. Take Photos. Blog posts are more interesting to read and more personal if I could just remember to take more pictures of my life.

8. When an idea comes to you write it down. I can't tell you how many blog ideas I had that were lost to the black hole of my mind

9. If you can't drink a glass of wine at least have a cup of tea. It's just cozier.

10. Write for yourself! I sometimes get so caught up in if people are reading my blog, if the like my blog, if the care about what I am writing about, or even if they are annoyed by my Facebook posts about my blog. But then I remember that I started blogging for myself (and so my mom and grandma could keep up with my life) so it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks or if they even read it, because it's for me.
"Better to write for yourself and have no public, 
than to write for the public and have no self" 
-Cyril Connolly


  1. Perfect list :) Glad you are joining in on this!

    1. Thanks Taylor! Thanks so much for hosting this, I am having such a blast pushing myself to write this much!

  2. Love your list! I am new to blogging and learning a lot of things the hard way.. Thanks for sharing.

    you can visit my site at :)

    1. I learned a lot of things the hard way too. I finally realized that there are so many amazing blogs out there that I could look to for help!

  3. I always get my best blogging done late at night, too!! :)

    1. I find that there are less distractions late at night! Thanks!

  4. Photos yes! They are so important... I have come to learn that :) Also blogging while cozy & drinking a yummy drink yes please!

    1. Remembering to take photos is the hardest thing for me. I steal photos from my girlfriend's phone all the time.

  5. Proof read and wine…perfection!

    1. Proofreading is much harder after a couple glasses of wine! Thanks for reading!

  6. Ha! You are funny! Couldn't help myself from laughing! Writing with wine.. writing after 3pm when you're funnier! Lol! Love it!
    Andrea // CocoDrizzle

    1. Thanks! I am glad I am not the only one laughing at my jokes!

  7. Hahaha whenever I have a glass of wine while I blog, I'm always funnier! I don't think I can hang with you at 3am, though! :)

    1. Unfortunately sometimes because I am so busy I have to blog so late. Other times I happen to be inspired as I crawl into bed.

  8. Love your list! Blogging is def a learning experience and you will continue to grow no matter what!

    xoxo Lisa - Showered With Design

  9. Always be drinking a glass of wine while blogging - LOL that made me giggle. Might be a good solution for those who actually drink alcohol, which i don't - so tea would be my answer i guess. ;) And yes, keeping up your blogging habits aĆ­sn't easy sometimes - but we still love it, right?!
    Luchessa @

    1. I love drinking tea while blogging. If it's cold outside I am snuggled up with a cup a tea and my computer I am pretty much as content as you can be! Thanks!

  10. The glass of wine always makes the content more interesting!
