Monday, October 20, 2014

Irrational Fears

Blogtober14 has gotten real deep the past few days!! A secret, what makes us happy, and what are we afraid of!!! What if we are afraid of revealing too much on the internet?!?

Ain't that the truth!
I have a lot of irrational fears:

When I am walking towards a store with an automatic door... I am always afraid that the door wont open in time and I will just smack right into it.

I am always afraid that I am going to drop my phone in the crack between the train and the platform as I am boarding.

Whenever I am holding a knife I am afraid I will drop it on my foot.

I have a pretty significantly irrational fear that I am going to get poisoned, don't know how, where, or why but I am sure it is going to happen.

But in reality my biggest fear is not being happy. I am so afraid that in 10 years I am going to wake up and be unhappy with the choices I made in my life. Right now it seems like I have so many options, so many doors I can walk through that I am so afraid I will walk through the wrong one.

I know I can't predict the future, and if it makes me happy right now how can it be the wrong choice... but I am always afraid it will be.


  1. I think we are all a little afraid of the look down the road. Everything will work out though, don't worry. Hah! I hate "we have to talk"! I hope you've had a great day!

    1. Thanks for stopping in! LIfe wouldn't be interesting I guess if you knew exactly what was going to happen.
