Saturday, October 4, 2014

What is One Thing I Could Not Live Without

I had a super busy day yesterday between work, an improv workshop, and performing in my first sketch show in Chicago (!!!!!!!), I had very little time to write. But I did have a lot of time to think because I can't seems to catch a break with these long waits for busses and trains.

What is the one thing I could not live without? 

My immediate gut reaction to this is to be really sappy and say my friends and family, which could be regarded as one entity and therefor still playing by the rules. 

However my second reaction is to say really unimpressive and silly things like fuzzy blankets, a good book, or the ability to take long hot showers. Which really is lame compared to friends and family. 

When it really comes down to it though its probably caffeine. I can't even get through the first two waking hours of my day without a hot cup of tea or a diet coke. 
Am I proud of this? No, but it's probably the truth.

Last night I performed in my first sketch show in Chicago! It was just a 20 minute sampling of the sketches that On Hiatus has been writing, but I had a blast! There is nothing like being reminded why you love doing what you're doing. And despite that fact that our show was at midnight and we played to an audience of maybe 12 people we still had a blast! 

Thanks to Travis for actually remembering to take some photos. 


  1. oh man. I used to LOVE my caffeine. I had to quit it. So sad! One day I'm hoping to have my life/caffeine back.

    1. Sometimes I think about quitting, but right now being in my early 20's I am not getting enough sleep to justify taking it out of my life.
